我们的服务区域Our service area: ? 我司提供从中国各城市始发,经霍尔果斯口岸,吐尔尕特口岸,喀什口岸,卡拉苏口岸等各大口岸去往中亚的整车和拼车服务 ? We provide Full and Consolidation trucking services from main cities in China to the Xinjiang borders(Kashi /Turgart/Kashgar/ Karasu etc.) and further to CIS countries. ? 我司提供方便快捷的过境中国去往中亚五国的过境运输服务 ? We provide convenient and efficient transportation service for transit goods via China to CIS countries or from CIS countries to other countries. ? 我司提供去往所有中国港口始发到中亚地区的国际多式联运服务 ? We provide international multimodal transport services from China ports to CIS countries Via Poti to Georgia, Armenia ,Azerbaijan and Western Kazakhstan 经poti港口去往格鲁吉亚,亚美尼亚,阿塞拜疆,哈萨克西部城市 Via ..